Tuesday 29 May 2012


This is about this particular episode of TED talks which i saw today, as to how in the modern times our creativity is hampered. The situation is rather paradoxical, i mean , we are today living in a dynamic world, where technology is changing faster than the hours, where the enhancement of science and art is being taken to an entirely different level. But still we are living in a world where the education system is as primitive as it was 50 years ago! our mental faculties are degraded by our stereotypical perspective about education. Even today, the subjects crowned with maximum attention is mathematics, followed by sciences...and arts is comfortably placed in the last. This is the same hierarchy that follows, that has been followed since time immemorial , and its constant for every place on this planet. Innovation emanates from creativity. Change arises from a profoundly open and diverse mindset.Its like there is an orbit built around our minds and any eccentricity is simply absurd or unreal. Creativity is as important in education system as literacy. our mental faculties have been trained to accept promulgated actions and traditions. The true idea of education is that it enlightens one's mental faculties which guide our ideas. Our 'creativity' is given a definition by our knowledge. But that knowledge is now limited  only to make us all ATM's. Mr. Robinson very adroitly points out that has one ever wondered if there were lectures or classes on dance which were taught with the same enthusiasm , the same seriousness as mathematics...why not? we dance all the time, if allowed to. Every child is a born artist , but apparently we are educated OUT of our creative abilities . And as we embark upon adulthood, we have already lost that capacity to think creatively, we have become trained robots following the same social conduct. People who dare to dream beyond their prescribed books are looked down upon in the early stages of life, but have you noticed, they make one of the most successful people later in life? A lot of importance should be given to our initial years of knowledge. Our mind is raw, we are emancipated from social convention, we make mistakes and don't worry about it. Our current education system stigmatizes mistakes, if you are wrong, that's the end for you mate. But Mr. Robinson rightly claims, that mistakes are a passage to original ideas. Always prepare to be wrong, that's how you'll come up with something original.

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